Thursday, May 10, 2012

Technology in schools

In this blog we are going to focus on technology in our life, and how it has and it's going to impact us. Technology has changed the way we live and that is a fact.  It has comfort has us and made our life easier then how they were hundred years ago. Everywhere we go technology will surround us. In our jobs, school, homes, streets, it's everywhere.The student teacher dynamic has changed a lot since the introduction of technology in class structure. The instructor is no longer the information but instead a middleman between information and student. Instead of a passive sponge soaking up knowledge, the student has now become an active informational building, re-arranging and displaying information.

Children are understanding concepts better.Their skills are improving.More than the teacher writing on the blackboard this system leaves behind a better impact on children of all age groups.The children enjoy learning like this as,it is not boring like the lessons learnt on blackboard. As all children like computers and latest technology,this way of teaching is really helpful.

Students become more involved in the process of education instead of the traditional roles students assumed which are sleeping in class. The teacher, instead of being the center of attention, becomes a facilitator, which by students learn using modern technology. While at the same time videos and games are being integrated into the lives and classrooms of new generations. Also the Internet itself has unlocked a new way of opportunity for students. Information and ideas that were previously out of reach are a click away. Students of all ages can connect, share, and learn on a global scale. Success at difficult technological tasks

I have done an Interview about my subject to see what someone else thought.

Q1. How has technology influenced your life?

“ It has changed my life dramatically, my smart phone has made my schedule way easier.”

Q2. Would you go back to a time before computers came out?

“Definitely not. My work has to be done by computer; if not I would have to write hundreds papers and kept up with them.”

Q3.  In your opinion, what will technology will release in the future?

“In the future I think a robot computer that you talk to and it will do what you need it to do.”

Q4.  How has technology impacted schools?

“Schools have changed their teaching styles, schools rely on the Internet and work online more than they do using book work.”

Q5.  Do you think schools should push technology into the student's life?

“ Yes that is exactly what they need to do; considering that technology is now a major role in society. I would educated kids to get them ready for the work field.”

This video can be located at


  1. I like your topic. This is a good thing to focus on because technology is a huge part of society. However, check your wording after you type a post because you have some "typos" with your words.


  3. I like your topic but you had a few errors in your typing.
